Monday, January 25, 2010


These past few weeks have been slightly boring for me. Okay...maybe, thats putting it nicely. I'm going crazy from sitting in the house way too much! The only downside to being a one car family is Josh has  the car during the week, which leaves Anistyn and I here at the house. I had to pull her out of school because it was just too much on us. We were spending so much money on gas, and to drop Ani off we would have to get up at 4:30am, then drop Josh off, then wait another 3 hours in the car before taking Anistyn to school, then another 3 to pick her up...then another 4 hours before picking Josh up...and thats IF he got off on time...which most of the time he didn't. So, I've just been teaching Anistyn myself. And that part I like. I love being able to spend all of this time with Anistyn before she starts school, and I love teaching her things.

The part that I don't like about it, is that Anistyn and I are social butterflies. We don't have friends here and for me, Josh is the only adult interaction that I get. I'm not complaining, I love being here with him and I love spending my time with my family. It would just be nice to have some friends to meet up with during the day, some kids for Anistyn to play with, and some other mommies to chat with.

I was talking to Josh about it the other day and thank goodness he is so understanding. There are buses that run through Salinas and Monterey so we looked them up to see where all they run. Which is just about anywhere. Since Josh is military, he can get a free bus pass! Its usually $2.00 each way, which isn't a lot of course...but if we went places alot it, it could add up. And why spend money when you can get it for free?

Then I started looking around for local playgroups. Boy, did I hit the jackpot! I actually found two that I am joining and I am so extremely excited about them! They do weekly playdates, mom's night out, parents night out, and....a BOOK CLUB!!! Its like a dream come true for me! I'll have to wait until Friday to be able to go though, because Josh won't be able to get the bus pass until Wednesday, since he has to stay overnight at the base tomorrow and they're all going away. So Wednesday will be his first day ON the base. But, I'm just excited about finally finding ways to be able to meet people. After I joined, I even had a girl e-mail me telling me that she was moving here in February, has a 31/2 year old daughter and would love to get our girls together.  Everyone on the website seems so sweet and welcoming that I really can't wait to meet all of them!


  1. Glad to hear you will be able to get out some. I am pretty sure I would go stir crazy if I was stuck in the house all day! (Not at first, because I always had a MILLION things I WANT to be at home for, but after awhile it would get old, because I NEED social interaction!!)

  2. That is so awesome that you found all the play groups, etc. I hope you will make some great friends and so happy you are making it work with schooling Ani at home...of course you would have tons of support for that from all your GA people! ha ha!
    Just don't be disappointed if you don't find a perfect fit with the first group you has taken us several tries to find the homeschool group that works with us and our lifestyle! :) Have fun with your FREE bus pass!

  3. I don't know how I missed this post... sorry I didn't comment, but I didn't see it until today! I am so glad you found some groups. I want to hear more.
    Take advantage of the military perks. They always offer things that you need, and at this point in ya'lls career, you need them (rather then just want them). So, check out the free things offered, and use them!
